New England Swimming
Level 3

YNS Vision Statement

Developing Champions in and out of the Pool


YNS Mission Statement

Through its key strengths of innovative coaching techniques and strategies and supportive parental involvement, the YNS team is driven towards developing the best combination of competitive swimmers and human beings. The YNS team maintains a strong integration of the core values of the YMCA – Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility while helping to build strong families and strong communities.


YNS Philosophy

The North Shore YMCA Sharks subscribe to a philosophy of teaching and training that    provides for the maximum long-term performances for its swimmers both in and out of the pool. We are divided into seven (7) different groups based on a variety of factors that include age, ability, maturity, performance and attitude. The center of our coaching philosophy resides with the building of a foundation of strong technique and a love for racing through a strong aerobic base. Leadership and accountability are two essential "life skills" we strive to develop in our athletes.

As swimmers progress through the program they will be given more responsibility for their swims and performances. Swimmers learn self-discipline, time management, sportsmanship and goal setting - important lessons that will help prepare them for life, as well as swimming.