Thank You Coach Cindy!
Dave Modzelewski
Good Afternoon YNS Families,
As we head into our Summer Long Course Season, we wanted to let everyone know that during the month of April, Coach Cindy will be retiring from YNS. For anyone who knows Cindy, she has given many years to the profession of coaching swimmers and certainly over the last five years at YNS she has made an enormous contribution to the Ipswich site as well as many other swimmers on our YNS Team. Cindy came to YNS at a time, five years ago, when we very much needed someone with the skills and experience to lead the Ipswich site and she has brought so much to our Team and Swim Family.
We're grateful to have Cindy share with us a generous notice so we can begin the search for a new Lead Site Coach as soon as possible. We're also very fortunate to have a terrific Ipswich Staff Team with experienced Coaches Kelly, Sandy and Caleigh. Our goal is to have a great candidate ready to be in place before mid-April so that we can make as smooth of a transition as possible.
If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for your continued support of our YNS Team, and THANK YOU Cindy for your years of service to our Swimmers, Swim Team Families, and our Y of the North Shore Family!
rthur Athanas & Dave Modzelewski